Saturday, March 9, 2013

Gun (people) Control  

Some of my random thoughts on gun control and the lefty-loons that don't understand what an inalienable right is to an America citizen:

The liberal's irrational fear of weapons would be comical if it wasn't so insidious! Unfortunately, the manifestation of their fear hinders the safety of ALL law abiding citizens through egregious gun control laws and media bias against private gun ownership. The epitome of liberal hypocrisy is that "Fast and Furious", the biggest assault weapons scandal since Iran-Contra, was under the "leadership" of a gun-hating, liberal/progressive who would scrap the 2nd Amendment in a hot second through the exploitation of the tragic deaths of innocents to satisfy the liberal narrative of soft-fascism against our Constitutional rights!

Why the left's obsession with banning assault weapons is lunacy: 1.) Because we’ve already had a 10 year ban that was proven ineffective. 2.) Because people realize that in a free society there will always be instances where insane people victimize innocent people. 3.) People of reason realize Liberals will ALWAYS seek to exploit tragedy to promote their anti-Constitution agenda to further erode our freedoms and liberty in favor of the oppression their soft-Fascism ideology fosters.

The lefty-loon media is the epitome of fear mongering, knee-jerk policy statements against guns, especially in their demand for banning "assault rifles" in America: 1.) An AR-15 sporting rifle is NOT an assault weapon by definition and 2.) Even though the leftist media propaganda mills continue to demonize the AR-15 semi-automatic sporting rifle to support their anti-gun narrative by dubiously reporting one was used exclusively in the Sandy Hook mass shooting though. Yet, according to 'leaked' details from the FBI investigation, corroborated by several state and federal officials and redacted by various credible news sources abroad including NBC on Dec.15 2012, an AR-15 was NOT used in the massacre at Sandy Hook as initially reported. Therefore, ANY precedent for the left's ban against the AR-15 is based solely on dubious claims, outright lies and fear mongering. Also, considering the majority of mass shooters (95%) have been liberal, Democrat voters the ONLY true reasonable solution is to keep guns out of the hands of murderous LIBERALS - the rest of us can handle the responsibility.

What is as odious as it is ironic is the fact that it is psychotic liberal Democrats that commit mass murder, yet the lefty-loons attack Republicans, the NRA and the Constitution:
Adam Peter Lanza - Democrat - Obama Voter- shoots 26
James Eagan Holmes - Democrat - Obama Voter- shoots 58, kills 12
Nidal Malik Hasan - Democrat - Obama Voter - Muslim - shoots 42, kills 13
Seung-Hui Cho - Democrat - Would be Obama Voter - shoots 49, kills 32
John Allen Muhammad - Democrat - Muslim - shoots 13, kills 10
Lee Boyd Malvo - Democrat - Muslim - shoots 13, kills 10
Sirhan Sirhan - Admired by Obama mentor Bill Ayres – shoots R Kennedy
Lee Harvey Oswald - Communist - aka Democrat – shoots/kills JF Kennedy
*The people that need supervision are obviously crazy liberals!

Add to this, according to the FBI, assault weapons constitute approximately 1% of gun crimes in America. If this is considered a detriment to society, then they should also consider banning a liberal's right to free speech, since they insist on using irrational rhetoric to bolster insipid rationales fostered by fear and cowardice to deny the rights and freedoms of others that don't agree with their insidious ideology of totalitarianism. This is far more dangerous to America as a whole than any assault weapon will ever be!

What is a far viler weapon than an assault rifle or any gun- is the weapon of ignorance! Ignorance that is perpetuated on the unwary by unscrupulous politicos that would undermine our inalienable rights endowed to us by our creator through the Constitution of the United States. Politicos like Obama and liberals that would use your ignorance against you to further their agenda of tyranny through egregious legislation that oppress our freedoms and liberty. Stop being an ignorant dupe to these people and stop believing in their liberal-bias, leftist-propaganda media lapdogs and understand they have a far more insidious agenda for you beyond simply banning and confiscating assault weapons - an agenda that demands your complete subjugation, the destruction of your personal sovereignty as a human being and ultimately your utter enslavement to them, the power they crave and the globalist evil they represent! Wake up before your freedom is completely gone…wake up!

"We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws." - Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller

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